Unlocking the Spiritual Significance of the January 2024 Wolf Moon: A Guide to Rituals and using its Energy

For 2024, the full moon in January, or the Wolf Moon, falls on January 25th in the sign of Leo.

The term "Wolf Moon" is often used to refer to the first full moon of the year. Signifying the howl of the hungry wolves during the coldest days of winter. This full moon also falls very close to a massive shift happening where Pluto is going from Capricorn to Aquarius after being there since 2008. (Think what cycle and patterns are you seeing end now that have been ongoing for the past 15 years.

Here are a few ways to enhance your connection to this full moon.

Connection to Nature

Many people view the full moon, including the Wolf Moon, as a time to connect with nature and the cycles of the Earth. Take some time to walk in nature (even in the cold) and see what animals are still out which ones do you notice only come out in spring. What are the trees and plants experiencing?

Connect with yourself. How do you feel out in nature? Are you willing to sit and listen and see if the animals or the trees have a message for you?

Inner Reflection

Some spiritual traditions see the full moon as a time for introspection, self-awareness, and personal growth. The Wolf Moon, being the first of the year, may carry additional significance in terms of new beginnings. This is the time where you look back over the past year and begin to reflect and release anything that is no longer serving you.

With Pluto moving into Aquarius this is also a good time to look back and see how are you showing up different now than you did 15 years ago. And what patterns are ready to be released into the winter abyss.

Animal Symbolism

The name "Wolf Moon" got its name from when wolves were heard more frequently howling in hunger during the winter months. The name reflects the close connection between nature and the activities of wildlife. Perhaps this is a time to connect to your inner animalistic nature.

What can you do to tap into those primal instincts and allow them to guide you? Think howling at the moon.

Ceremonies and Rituals

A special ceremony that can be done is a fire ceremony. Either with a fire or a candle. Take some time to think about what you are letting go of from the past year and also the past 15 years. Write it down and when your ready burn the paper. Feel it releasing from your life and your body.

Herbs to use during this Full Moon:

The Leo full moon, like any other full moon, can be associated with specific herbs that align with the energies and characteristics of the astrological sign.

Leo is ruled by the Sun and is associated with qualities like creativity, self-expression, passion, and courage.

Here are some herbs that are commonly associated with Leo and can be incorporated into rituals, ceremonies, or personal practices during the Leo full moon:

  1. Calendula:

    This vibrant and golden-hued herb is associated with the Sun and is believed to bring joy, success, and good fortune. It aligns well with Leo's enthusiastic and radiant energy.

  2. Chamomile:

    Known for its calming properties, chamomile can be used to balance Leo's fiery energy, promoting relaxation and easing tension.

  3. Cinnamon:

    Linked with the Sun, cinnamon is associated with passion, warmth, and energy. It can be used to enhance creativity and boost confidence.

  4. Frankincense:

    With its uplifting and purifying properties, frankincense is often used to enhance spiritual connection and inspire a sense of purpose, which aligns with Leo's desire for self-expression and meaning.

  5. Orange Peel:

    Representing warmth, joy, and creativity, orange peel can be used to invoke the vibrant and playful energy associated with Leo.

When incorporating these herbs into rituals or practices during the Leo full moon, consider using them in various forms such as essential oils, dried herbs, or as part of incense blends.

You can infuse them into teas, create sachets, or include them in bath rituals for a more immersive experience.

Always research and ensure that you are using herbs safely and responsibly, especially if you have any allergies or health concerns.


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