Connect with Your Spirit Guides: Unlocking Wisdom and Guidance
Connecting with your spirit guides is a taboo topic depending on who you are talking to but the reality is we have been connecting with spirit guides, our ancestors, and our inner council or advisor since the beginning of time. In this modern age you might feel disconnected from your own spirit and from the spirit guides that are meant to support us on our journey. This disconnect is largely because society has separated us from this divine experience.
Spirit guides are powerful energies that are assigned to every person on this earth to offer you wisdom, guidance, protection and insights when you need it the most.
The question is, how do you connect with your spirit guides?
Understanding Spirit Guides: What Are They?
Before we dive into how to connect you must understand what spirit guides are and what they are not and what role they play in your life. Like I mentioned above, your spirit guide is a powerful energy or non-physical being that exists in the spirit realm. Although we can have spirit guides that are earthside (that’s a topic for another blog) most of them are in the unseen realm.
These guides are here to guide you in life and on your spiritual journey. You may have guides that stay with you throughout your life or you might have them come and go depending on what you are experiencing in your life.
Who Is My Spirit Guide?
The real question, who are they? And one of the main questions I receive in readings is, who is my spirit guide? Your spirit guides can come in many forms from animals, to ancestors, deities, or even mythical beings. Every spirit guide has a unique purpose and reason for coming to you and guiding you. When you want to connect with your spirit guides the first step is to be open to experiencing them and receiving guidance from them. Being open is the key.
How to Connect with Your Spirit Guides
Connecting with your guides is a deeply personal and spiritual experience. It requires patience, openness, and a willingness to explore the unknown. The hardest part is trusting yourself and the messages you receive. Most people start out skeptical and are unsure if they are receiving the signs from their spirit guides. I want to give you a few ways you can connect. Remember not every method is meant for everyone so try them all and see what feels good for you and your energy.
1. Meditation
Meditation is one of the most powerful tools for connecting with your spirit guides. A spirit guide meditation allows you to quiet your mind, open your heart, and create a sacred space where your guides can communicate with you. Look at it like you are creating an office space to visit your guides. For example, my guide live in a cabin in the woods. When I visit her, she is always waiting with a cup of tea by the fire. (This is my meditation and visualization to meet with her)
Here’s a simple meditation technique to help you connect with your spirit guides:
Choose a peaceful, quiet space where you won’t be disturbed. Sit or lie down in a comfortable position. Before you begin, set a clear intention to connect with your spirit guides. You might say something like, “I am open to receiving guidance from my spirit guides.” Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.
Focus on your breath, allowing your mind to become calm and centered. Imagine a warm, loving light surrounding you. Visualize your spirit guides entering this light, coming forward to connect with you. You might see them as figures, feel their presence, or hear their messages.
Once you feel connected, ask your spirit guides for guidance. You can ask specific questions or simply ask for whatever message they have for you. Remain open and receptive. Your spirit guides may communicate with you through images, words, feelings, or even just a sense of knowing.
After your meditation, thank your spirit guides for their presence and guidance.
In my, Connect with my Spirit Guide Toolkit you will receive a free meditation as well as journal templates, and a video on connecting deeper with your guides.
2. Signs from your guides
Spirit guides often communicate with us through signs and synchronicities in our everyday lives. These signs can be subtle or direct, depending on how attuned you are to their presence. Signs can come in so many different ways.
Common spirit guide signs include:
Repeating Numbers: Seeing repeating numbers like 111, 222, or 333 is a common way spirit guides communicate. These numbers often carry specific messages related to your current situation. You will hear the term angel numbers used often.
Feathers: Finding feathers in unexpected places can be a sign that your spirit guides are near and offering you protection. And even the color of the feather can represent a more specific message.
Dreams: Spirit guides often communicate through dreams. Pay attention to recurring symbols, messages, or people in your dreams. Dreams can also mean nothing. I say this because often we can go into rabbit holes around dream symbolism AND sometimes they are just our mind wandering.
Animal Encounters: Seeing the same animal repeatedly or having a significant encounter with an animal may be a message from your spirit guides. You can also use my method of Nature’s Oracle, I tell you all about this in the Connect with your Spirit Guides toolkit. Animals can have their own symbolism and meanings and those meanings can change in each culture.
When you notice these signs, take a moment to reflect on what they might mean. Trust your intuition to guide you in interpreting the messages.
3. Journaling to Communicate with Your Spirit Guides
Journaling is a powerful way to communicate with your spirit guides. By writing down your thoughts, questions, and experiences, you create a dialogue between yourself and your guides. This one can be tricky if you are first learning what this connection feels like. I would say this is a more advanced technique and if you find yourself getting frustrated try another form of connection first. Here’s how to use journaling to connect with your spirit guides:
Set the Scene: Find a quiet space, light a candle, and set your intention to connect with your spirit guides through writing.
Ask Questions: Begin by writing down any questions you have for your spirit guides. You might ask for guidance on a specific issue or for a general message.
Free Write: Allow yourself to write freely without censoring your thoughts. Trust that whatever comes through is a message from your spirit guides.
Reflect: After you’ve finished writing, read over your journal entry and reflect on the messages. You may be surprised at the insights you receive.
Journaling regularly can help you build a stronger connection with your spirit guides and make their guidance more accessible. We have a 20 day journal experience in the Connect with my Spirit Guide Toolkit.
5. Create a Sacred Space for Spirit Guide Communication
Creating a sacred space in your home dedicated to spirit guide communication can help you establish a deeper connection. This space serves as a physical reminder of your commitment to your spiritual practice and provides a peaceful environment where you can connect with your guides. We call this an altar and it can be anywhere in your home or if you travel you can also create a mobile space that sets up anywhere. Get creative, this could be as simple as a candle on a table or as elaborate as an entire room dedicated to your practice.
Here’s how to create a sacred space (this is a simple version and you can start here and explore your own way of creating space):
Choose a Location: Select a quiet, peaceful area in your home where you can meditate, journal, or simply sit in contemplation.
Decorate with Intention: Decorate your sacred space with items that resonate with your spirituality. This might include crystals, candles, incense, feathers, or images of spiritual symbols.
Set Your Intention: Whenever you enter your sacred space, set a clear intention to connect with your spirit guides.
Maintain the Energy: Keep the energy of your sacred space clear and positive by regularly cleansing it with sage, incense, or sound.
By creating a dedicated space for spirit guide communication, you signal to your guides that you’re ready and willing to receive their guidance.
Deepen your connection with Your Spirit Guides
Once you have a connection with your spirit guides, the next step is learning how to communicate with them effectively. Communication with spirit guides can take many forms, depending on your personal preferences and spiritual practices. Remember this is a relationship and the best relationships are built on solid communication. You must learn to listen and communicate effectively with your guides. Screaming into the void won’t work here.
1. Ask for Signs and Guidance
Don’t be afraid to ask your spirit guides for specific signs or guidance. If you’re facing a difficult decision or need clarity on a situation, ask your guides to send you a clear sign. Be open to how the sign might appear—it could be in the form of a repeating number, a song lyric, or a chance encounter with someone who has the answer you need.
If you don't ask, you will never know. And if you don’t ask for help your guides won’t be able to communicate with you. But after you ask you have to listen. Staying busy and going about your day in a rush, listening to podcasts etc and never being in silence… It doesn't matter how many questions you ask, silence is needed in order to hear the answers.
2. Trust Your Intuition
Your intuition is your spirit guides’ voice within you. When you receive a gut feeling, a hunch, or a sudden insight, trust that it’s your spirit guides communicating with you. The more you trust and act on your intuition, the stronger your connection with your guides will become and the stronger your intuition will become. Your intuition is the driving force of how you will watch your dreams unfold.
3. Use Divination Tools
Divination tools like tarot cards, oracle cards, and pendulums can be useful for communicating with your spirit guides. These tools serve as a bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds, helping you receive messages in a tangible form. When using divination tools, set your intention to connect with your spirit guides and ask for their guidance in interpreting the messages. These tools can not do the work for you but they can help ease the connection by giving you a way to see the messages.
4. Practice Patience and Persistence
Building a strong connection with your spirit guides takes time, patience, and persistence. It’s important to practice regularly and be patient with yourself and your guides. Trust that your connection will deepen with time and that your guides are always there, even if their presence isn’t immediately apparent. Remember this is a relationship. If I could scream this from the rooftops I would. Your guides are not just a thing you take from, you must give back to them. And once you start receiving guidance, take it.
And don’t forget to get your free resource the Connect to your spirit guides toolkit