Experience the Power of Change with a Full Moon Ritual

full moon ritual and ceremony

Table of Contents
Understanding the power of the Full Moon
The Science Behind Lunar Energy
What is a Full Moon Ritual?
Preparing for Your Full Moon Ritual
Full Moon Ritual
Advanced Full Moon Practices
Signs Your Full Moon Ceremony Is Working
Common Questions About Full Moon Rituals
Connecting with Lunar Wisdom

Before we get into the Full Moon ritual I want to share how a simple full moon ceremony changed the course of my life in 2011.

It was August 13th, 2011 and I had graduated high school a few years prior, was in college and working as a server at a restaurant. After a few years of partying and late nights I knew this wasn’t the life that was going to serve me. I wanted change but had no idea where to start.

So with a few friends, a candle, and a journal we went down to the beach to hold a full moon ceremony, much like the one I share below. At this point I didn’t know the power of the full moon. We opened the circle and could feel the energy shift I knew with my whole body that this ceremony was going to be a mark in my life but didn’t know how or what would happen.

I claimed with a firm voice and energy that I was ready for change and set my full moon intentions. I didn’t know what change I wanted, but I knew I couldn’t continue on like I had. And at around midnight on August 13th, 2011 we concluded our ceremony and went home.

Sunday morning I woke up, got ready for work like usual and arrived at the restaurant around 10:30 AM to find the owner walking towards me in the parking lot. My initial thought was I was fired for some reason and rolled my eyes at the universe, but I was wrong.

At around 1 AM the previous night the restaurant caught on fire. No one was hurt but the restaurant would be closed for a period of time for repairs. I’m not saying our full moon ceremony set the place on fire but the timeline is very auspicious.

Within a few days I was on unemployment and trying to figure out what to do with my life as I had been gifted a new start. And that September I traveled to Nicaragua where I met my daughter’s father and a few months after that I was moving to Nicaragua to become a surf instructor. And just as the universe had planned I became pregnant, built a home, learned a new language and completely changed my entire life.

I’m not saying rituals can change your life or am I?

So, take these full moon rituals seriously, they can and will change your life.

Understanding the Power of the Full Moon

Full moon energy is all about completion and releasing what no longer serves you in this season of life.

It is also a time of illumination. Illuminating everything on your path that is ready to be released. Such as old habits, relationships, emotions or vices.

This is a great time to let go. Let go of the emotions that no longer serve you, the pressures, anything that feels heavy. This release creates space for change. A full moon ceremony can allow you to see what is holding you back from your next steps and illuminate the path that you are ready walk down.

The full moon represents the peak of the lunar cycle, a time when energies are at their highest and most potent. Throughout history, cultures worldwide have recognized this phase as a powerful time for:

  • Completion and culmination of projects

  • Release of old patterns and behaviors

  • Illumination of hidden truths

  • Emotional cleansing and healing

  • Manifestation of desires

  • Charging of crystals and ritual tools

  • Deep spiritual connection

During this phase, the moon's gravitational pull is strongest, affecting not only our oceans' tides but also the water within our bodies. Many people report feeling more emotionally sensitive or spiritually aware during this time, making it ideal for introspective work and powerful releases.

The Science Behind Lunar Energy

While some may dismiss lunar influences as mere superstition, scientific research has shown interesting correlations between the moon's phases and various natural phenomena. Studies have documented:

  • Changes in animal behavior during full moons

  • Variations in plant growth and germination rates

  • Fluctuations in human sleep patterns

  • Impacts on mood and emotional states

  • Effects on marine life cycles

Understanding these connections helps us appreciate why our ancestors placed such importance on working with lunar cycles and why these practices remain relevant today.

What is a Full Moon Ritual

There are many different types of full moon rituals. There are rituals that involve your energy, cleansing of your home, or even physically cleansing with a bath.

You can be as elaborate or simple as you like. There are no rules when it comes to creating the space for yourself. You can also choose to do these rituals alone or with a group like I did on that fateful night in August. When you practice with others your energy amplifies.

Preparing for Your Full Moon Ritual

Timing Your Ritual

The full moon's energy is typically strongest for three days before and three days after the exact full moon. While performing your ritual exactly on the full moon is ideal, don't stress if you need to work within this window instead. The key is your intention and engagement with the practice.

Creating Sacred Space

Before beginning your ritual, it's essential to create an environment that supports your spiritual work. Consider these elements:

  1. Physical Space

    • Choose a quiet, undisturbed area

    • Clear clutter and clean the space

    • Consider outdoor locations if weather permits

    • Ensure you have comfortable seating

  2. Energetic Cleansing

    • Burn cleansing herbs like mugwort, palo santo, or cedar

    • Use sound cleansing with bells or singing bowls

    • Sprinkle salt water in corners

    • Open windows to allow fresh air circulation

  3. Ritual Tools

    • Candles (white for purification)

    • Crystals (moonstone, clear quartz, or selenite)

    • Journal and pen

    • Burning bowl or fireproof container

    • Matches or lighter

    • Meaningful objects for your altar

Full Moon Ritual

My favorite ritual is a simple one you can do with limited time. As a busy mom and entrepreneur I love to have simple rituals. I also love an elaborate full day ceremony but some months there just isn’t also the resources to make that happen. (time and energy can run short sometimes)

1. Set your intentions.

Why are you doing this ritual? What are you wanting to receive after you release? Now think about what you are releasing this moon cycle.

Remember this should be an intention you can make happen in the next 30 days. Keep it simple.

Begin by getting clear about what you wish to release. Take time to journal about:

  • Patterns or behaviors that no longer serve you

  • Relationships that have run their course

  • Limiting beliefs holding you back

  • Emotional baggage you're ready to release

  • Physical items you need to let go of

Write your intentions in positive, present-tense language. Instead of "I want to stop being afraid," write "I release fear and embrace courage."

2. Opening the Ritual Space

Create a ceremonial beginning to your practice:

  • Light your candles

  • Call in protective energies or guides if this resonates

  • Take three deep cleansing breaths

  • Ground yourself by visualizing roots extending from your feet into the earth

  • Set energetic boundaries around your space

You can open the window or doors of your home if you are doing it inside and clean the space with your choice of cleansing.

Examples are you can burn certain herbs like rosemary, cedar, or sage and with their smoke cleanse the home in every corner.

Or you can use sound or any other cleansing method of your choice. Remember your first rituals will feel foreign, try different methods until you find your ‘home’.

This next step is the perfect time to do a Full Moon meditation. You can use the meditation below or use another you like. You can also center yourself without a guided meditation.

Next steps below…

Enjoy a Full Moon Meditation below.

We will send you a beautiful 5 minute meditation to use during your ritual.

3. Now write down what you would like release.

Before proceeding with your release work:

  • Sit in comfortable meditation for 5-10 minutes

  • Focus on your breath and body

  • Feel the moon's energy entering through your crown chakra

  • Allow yourself to connect with the lunar frequency

  • Notice any insights or messages that arise

You can write it in your journal or you can write it on a piece of paper you can burn. As you are writing feel what you are releasing being removed from your life. This is a really important piece to the ritual. You must feel that release from the body.

4. If you feel called burn the paper in a safe space.

This is the heart of your ritual:

  1. Write each item you wish to release on separate pieces of paper

  2. Hold each paper to your heart and feel the emotion of letting go

  3. Speak your release aloud: "I now release [item] with love and gratitude"

  4. Safely burn each paper in your fireproof container

  5. Watch the smoke carry your releases to the universe

  6. Feel the lightness entering your body as each item transforms

Once the paper has burned, close your space by closing all the doors and cleaning your space.

5. Take inspired action

After completing your releases:

  • Express gratitude for the support of the full moon

  • Journal about any insights received during the ceremony

  • Sit quietly and feel the new space created within you

  • Consider what positive qualities you'd like to invite in

  • Set intentions for the coming lunar cycle

After this Full Moon ritual take action and keep taking steps to the life you want to live! This is where we use the term spell ‘work’ because it takes work to change your life.

Advanced Full Moon Ceremony

Full Moon Bathing

A ritual bath can enhance your release work:

  • Add sea salt for purification

  • Include lunar-aligned essential oils like jasmine or sandalwood

  • Float white flower petals on the water

  • Place crystals around the tub

  • Meditate as you soak, visualizing negative energy washing away

Crystal Grid Work

Create a crystal grid to amplify your intentions:

  • Use selenite or moonstone as your center stone

  • Arrange clear quartz points in a circle

  • Place your written intentions in the center

  • Leave the grid out under the full moon

Moon Water Creation

Make sacred moon water for future rituals:

  • Fill a glass jar with pure water

  • Add crystals if desired

  • Set intentions into the water

  • Place outside under the full moon

  • Use for future ceremonies or plant watering

Signs Your Full Moon Ceremony is Working

Look for these indicators in the days and weeks following your ritual:

  • Increased clarity about your path

  • Synchronicities related to your releases

  • Natural falling away of old patterns

  • Feeling lighter or more energized

  • Improved sleep or dreams

  • Spontaneous insights or solutions

  • Physical spaces clearing themselves

Common Questions About Your Full Moon Rituals

How long should a ritual last?

There's no set time requirement. Whether you have 15 minutes or several hours, what matters is your intention and presence.

Can I perform rituals indoors?

Yes! While connecting directly with moonlight is wonderful, indoor rituals can be equally powerful. Consider placing a bowl of water on your altar to represent the moon's energy.

What if it's cloudy?

The moon's energy remains potent regardless of weather conditions. Trust that your intention and practice will align you with the lunar frequency.

Can I do rituals alone?

Absolutely! While group energy can be powerful, solo practice allows for deep personal work and intimate connection with lunar energies.

What full moon ritual should you do?

A ritual that focuses on releasing instead of drawing in is better as its congruent with the energy of the moon. You can do a receiving ritual during the New Moon.

You can use the Full Moon rituals here or you can make up your own.

What not to do on the full moon?

Don't stress about doing anything perfect. Allow the energy to infuse into your day and release as you move thru your day.

Can you do a full moon ritual the next day?

Yes, you can use the energy for 3 days before and 3 days after.

Connecting with Lunar Wisdom

The full moon offers us a monthly opportunity to release, reset, and realign with our highest path. By creating regular ritual practice around these energetic peaks, we develop a deeper connection with natural cycles and our own inner wisdom.

Remember that each full moon brings its own unique energy based on its astrological placement. Consider researching these specific qualities to enhance your practice further.

As you develop your full moon practice, trust your intuition about what elements to include or exclude. The most powerful rituals are those that resonate deeply with your personal spiritual path and intentions.

Full moon ceremonies are powerful tools for transformation, but their true magic lies in consistent practice and genuine intention. As you work with these energies month after month, you'll develop a deeper understanding of lunar cycles and their impact on your life.

Create space each full moon to check in with yourself, release what no longer serves you, and align with the natural rhythms of the universe. Through this practice, you'll find yourself moving more gracefully through life's changes and challenges, supported by the eternal wisdom of the moon.

Sarah Proffitt is a Spiritual Advisor is all about keeping your spiritual practices simple, guiding you with ancient wisdom in a modern way and helping you support your body with natural and plant medicines.

Like the seasons of the earth we are also always evolving and each season will bring its own unique routines, rituals and ceremonies.

And now supports clients in this, to find their flow within each season, feel guided and supported by their loved ones on the other side, and to discover their own spiritual truths and connections.


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