Finding Peace in Chaos: A Guide for Entrepreneurs


Table of Contents
The Entrepreneur's Paradox: Find Your Peace
The Science Behind Entrepreneurial Stress
Core Practices for Finding Peace in Chaos
Transforming Business Challenges into Peace Practices
The Journey Forward Making Peace Your Business Partner

Between entrepreneurship and motherhood, finding peace in chaos might seem like searching for a needle in a haystack. Between meetings, baseball practices, market uncertainties, and the constant pressure to innovate, chaos isn't just a visitor – it's a business partner.

Yet, the ability to maintain inner peace amid the chaos isn't just a luxury; it's a crucial skill that can determine your businesses success. Your job isn’t to get rid of the chaos but learn how to embrace it. And this isn’t a trait passed down to you it’s a learned skill you can practice.

The Entrepreneur's Paradox: Find Your Peace

The entrepreneurial journey is unique in its demands just like motherhood. Unlike traditional careers, there's no clear roadmap, no guaranteed paycheck, and often no one to turn to when things get tough. Just like motherhood it’s a journey of resilience and the ability to remain calm when the bottom goes out, because this isn’t an if, it’s a when. 

This uncertainty can create a constant state of alertness that, while necessary for survival in the wild, is exhausting for your mental health. This alertness can wreck havoc on your nervous system, immune system and your business.  And not to mention how this creates a disconnect between you and your kids.

And add in motherhood the chaos of a messy house, baseball games, and sick babies. Your energy is always moving and chaos is just a part of it. The question now is, how do you hold it all?

I have been a surfer for most of my life and my dad has always said you can’t control the conditions but you can control how you use them. Like riding a wave, entrepreneurship is unpredictable but how YOU move with the ocean is controllable. 

finding peace in chaos flower and hands

The Science Behind Entrepreneurial Stress

Research from the Harvard Business Review shows that entrepreneurs experience significantly higher levels of stress compared to traditional employees. This stress isn't just psychological – it manifests physically through:

  • Elevated cortisol levels that can impact decision-making abilities and creative thinking

  • Disrupted sleep patterns affecting overall performance and emotional regulation

  • Increased risk of anxiety and burnout that can derail business momentum

Understanding these physiological impacts helps explain why finding your peace isn't just about feeling good – it's about maintaining the mental clarity and emotional stability needed to lead effectively. Finding peace in your everyday life isn't a luxury, it's a requirement to your overall well-being and success. 

And beyond the business, a stressed mother who is constantly rushing and can never be present isn’t what you imagined when you were pregnant with your little ones. While you didn’t picture yourself at peace 24/7 it is one of your values, and life gets in the way. By 5 PM you have yet to finish the thing you said you do for your client 2 days ago, your kid is asking for help with his homework for the 10th time, while you try to coordinate with your spouse who's taking them to school next week. This chaos isn’t going away. It’s time to have inner peace so you can ride the wave of life with ease.

Core Practices for Finding Peace in Chaos

1. The Mindful Morning Routine

Start your day before the chaos begins (Remember chaos isn’t a negative thing it’s just another word for all of life’s moving parts). Successful entrepreneurs like Jack Dorsey and Arianna Huffington attribute their ability to maintain calm to their morning routines.

Create a sacred space for yourself with these practices:

  • Dedicate 20 minutes to meditation or quiet reflection before starting your day

  • Practice gratitude journaling focused on business wins and learning opportunities

  • Engage in physical exercise to release tension and boost endorphins

These simple routines are what create success, not that 40th business plan you have designed this year. And do you have to do any of these strategies? No. But your body and mind will thank you. Your kids will say, ‘mom always has time for me.’

My client Rebecca came to me because she had tried getting up early and meditating. She kept saying it did nothing for her and she could feel herself moving into burnout. She snapped at her kids, her husband and her hadn’t been intimate and when they were it felt like a chore, and her business while successful was starting to feel completely out of control. 

I asked her what type of meditation she was doing, (yes, it matters) she would get up and go to her office and put on meditation music for 20 minutes. She said the whole time she would think about all the tasks she had to do for the day, and feeling how this 20 minutes was a waste of time. 

Here’s what we changed:

We had her do a guided meditation for only 10 minutes. A meditation all about gratitude and envisioning her perfect day. This simple shift started her on a path to discover other areas where she was doing things just to do them but it wasn’t what would actually help her find peace in the chaos. Intimacy with her husband was happening at the end of the day, instead she switched that to the morning before her meditation.

These simple shifts awakened her intuition and allowed her to see all the other small changes she could make. Within a few months her energy had completely shifted and burnout was not on the horizon but a small speck in her rearview mirror. 

2. Strategic Disconnection

In our hyperconnected world, peace often requires intentional disconnection.

Implement these boundaries to disconnect:

  • Set specific times for checking emails and messages rather than being constantly available

  • Create "deep work" blocks where you're completely unreachable except for true emergencies

  • Take regular digital sabbaticals to reset your mental space and gain fresh perspectives

You have to disconnect. Your energy should not be connected to your business 24/7 unless you want peace to never be found within. The first thing I ask new clients is, what are your opening and closing rituals for your business? Almost 85% of these moms and business owners tell me they don’t have any. 

My recommendation is to leave your business in the office whether that’s virtual or in person. Create an opening routine and closing routine before you leave for the day. It might be a declaration of, ‘Business is closed for the day with my energy.’ And disconnecting doesn’t mean you won’t make money in your sleep, but it means you will make money without having to be connected to your business. 

finding peace within ritual with candles

3. The Peace Anchor Technique

Develop what I call the "Peace Anchor" – a mental or physical trigger that instantly grounds you during chaotic moments.

This could be:

  • A specific breathing pattern

  • A physical object on your desk that reminds you to stay centered

  • A memory of your favorite place in the world that brings helps you find your peace in chaos 

Recently, I met with a client and we did this technique. She had to see a certain person everyday and could not remove them from her life or work in a different environment. I had her imagine everyday her peaceful place as she entered into her office building.

Within a few weeks she wasn’t affected by the other person. In her own words, ‘It’s like they cease to exist. What would totally throw me before it was like a shield was created.’

Transforming Business Challenges into Peace Practices

Team Dynamics as Growth Opportunities

When team conflicts arise, treat them as opportunities to practice peaceful leadership rather than sources of stress. This approach not only maintains your inner calm but also models emotional intelligence for your team.

And you can use this same skill in your home with your own family. Your family is a team with each member playing a role. When one member is stressed, all members feel it. That’s not to say stress is the enemy but it’s how you are handling the stress that is. Taking the time in the morning to set the tone for the day will do wonders when it's 7 AM and you no one can find matching socks. The stress turns into a game instead of a meltdown. 

Financial Uncertainty as a Teacher

Rather than allowing financial pressures to create constant anxiety, use them as opportunities to practice presence and creative problem-solving. This mindset shift helps maintain peace even during challenging financial periods.

Business will have its ups and downs. While yes you want your business to be a smooth ride with predictable income, that isn’t always the reality. Instead of looking at your spreadsheet and trying to fix the numbers, take a few minutes to tap into your intuition, find your peace, and see where it leads you. Get curious, not chaotic. This simple shift will have you going into creative mode, not a stress filled monster. 

Creating Systems for Sustainable Peace

1. The Weekly Peace Audit

Implement a weekly practice of auditing your peace levels:

  • Review situations that disrupted your calm

  • Identify patterns in stress triggers

  • Develop specific strategies for maintaining peace in similar future situations

2. Building a Peace-Centered Company Culture

Your personal peace practices can transform your entire organization:

  • Incorporate mindfulness breaks into team meetings

  • Create quiet spaces in your office for meditation or reflection

  • Encourage open discussions about stress management and mental well-being

3. The Entrepreneur's Support System

Build a network that supports your peace:

  • Connect with other entrepreneurs who understand your journey

  • Work with a spiritual advisor who can provide objective perspective

  • Maintain relationships outside the business world for balance

The Journey Forward: Making Peace Your Business Partner

Finding peace in chaos isn't a destination – it's an ongoing journey. As your business evolves, so will your peace practices. The key is remaining committed to this inner work as much as you're committed to your business growth. This is why many of my clients hire me, to help guide them in specific ways that will work with their life. We take in account motherhood, their marriage, and what capacity they have in this season of life. It’s never a one practice fits all. 

Remember, sustainable success in entrepreneurship isn't just about what you achieve; it's about who you become in the process. By making peace your priority, you're not just building a better business – you're becoming a better leader.

Want to start your journey toward entrepreneurial peace?

Begin with this simple practice:

Take three deep breaths before every major decision today. Notice how this small act of peace-making influences your leadership and decision-making quality.

Your path to peace in entrepreneurship starts now. The chaos won't disappear, but your ability to find calm within it will become your greatest competitive advantage.


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