How to Develop Psychic Abilities: A Complete Guide (From a Professional Psychic)

Table of Contents
Tapping Into Your Psychic Abilities
Types of Psychic Abilities: Real Stories, Real People
Practical Steps to Awaken Your Psychic Gifts: My Personal Development Journey
Common Challenges and Solutions: Real Stories from My Practice
Protection and Self-Care: Lessons Learned the Hard Way
Integration: Living as an Psychic in the Modern World
Conclusion: Your Journey Begins

As a spiritual advisor, one of my expertise is helping you to develop your psychic abilities and hone in on your intuition. Many of my clients use this in their life and business and see amazing results with just a few small tweaks to their daily routine.  I’m excited to share lots of stories and also some easy ways for you to start using these skills. Below you will also find my 5 day Becoming Psychic course which goes even deeper than we do here.



Society has taught you not to trust yourself, your intuition, and not to trust your psychic abilities and natural talents.

You learned to listen to your intuition early on but because of lived experiences you began to not trust that gut instinct. Psychic abilities are a part of the human experience allowing us to connect with the collective and with each other without words.

There are many different types of psychics and how they communicate with the ethereal realm. These gifts can come in the form of being able to see, feel, sense, hear, or just having an inner knowing (these all have special names and are called the Clairs). 

It’s still hard to believe how accurate my own readings are, even after doing thousands. When you practice tapping into your psychic abilities a whole new world is formed beyond the physical. 

One of the best ways to access your psychic skills is through the subconscious. In our daily lives, we are constantly creating boundaries to limit how much stimuli we ingest — and with good reason. In order to live healthy, functional lives, we simply cannot absorb everything we encounter.

Tapping Into Your Psychic Abilities

The Wake-Up Call: How We Disconnect from Our Intuition

Maria, one of my first mentoring clients, came to me with a story that might sound familiar.

As a child, she always knew who was calling before picking up the phone and could sense when her siblings were in trouble.

But after being teased at school for being "weird," she learned to suppress these gifts. It wasn't until her early thirties, when she had a dream that accurately predicted her brother's health crisis, that she decided to reconnect with her psychic powers.

This is a pattern I've seen countless times. We're born connected to our intuition, but somewhere along the way, we learn to doubt ourselves. Maybe it was a parent who dismissed your "imaginary friend" (who might have been a spirit guide), or teachers who emphasized logic over intuition, or friends who mocked your "weird vibes." Whatever the cause, many of us learn to shut down our natural psychic powers.

 I know this was true for me too. I always sensed vibes and would follow that instinct. More often than not I would just follow my guidance system leaving many questioning why I was doing certain things as it didn’t make logical sense.  

Types of Psychic Abilities, The Clairs: Real Stories, Real People

The Empath's Journey: Bethany’s Story

Bethany didn't understand why she would get suddenly exhausted in grocery stores or feel sick when nothing was wrong with her – until she realized she was experiencing clairsentience, the ability to feel others' physical and emotional states. "I thought I was just oversensitive," she told me. "Now I understand I'm picking up on energy from others, and I've learned how to manage it." 

When clairsentience is your strongest clair its very important that you learn how to set up energetic boundaries. This is a huge focus in my work and something we work on in my spiritual mentorship program

Clairsentience or clear feeling is the ability to receive information through feelings and physical sensations. Clairsentients can sense others' emotions, pick up on the energy of places, or experience physical sensations that provide intuitive information. They might feel others' pain or joy as if it were their own.

And we must remember that we can not just go around feeling everyone’s emotions. Think about it like walking into a strangers home, you wouldn’t do it. 

The Knower: Michelle's Experience

Michelle, a successful business consultant, always had an uncanny ability to know which deals would succeed and which would fail. She called it "good business sense" until she realized it was claircognizance – direct knowing. "I would just know things without having any logical reason to know them," she explains. "Once I learned to trust these insights, my success rate with clients skyrocketed.”

Claircognizance or clear knowing is the psychic ability to know information without being told or learning it through ordinary means. This manifests as sudden knowledge, deep insights, or strong gut feelings about situations or people. Claircognizants often "just know" things without understanding how they know.

This can be an incredible skillset to hone and manage. The downsides of this is trusting yourself without doubt. This is the biggest problem I see with many who have this psychic ability as they often question themselves because it isn’t logical what they are thinking or feeling. 

The Visionary: Lisa's Discovery

Lisa spent years thinking everyone saw the colored auras around people until a conversation with friends revealed this was a special gift – clairvoyance. "I thought everyone saw the colors shift when people's moods changed," she laughs. "Learning this was a genuine psychic power helped me develop it further and use it to help others."

Clairvoyance or clear seeing is the ability to perceive visual information beyond the physical senses. This can include seeing spirits, auras, symbols, or receiving visual messages and images through the mind's eye. A clairvoyant might see events from the past, present, or potential futures.

This is one of my favorite psychic skills to have as it allows me to quickly scan rooms and situations and ‘see’ who needs my support or wisdom. This psychic skill can also be one that opens you up to the seeing the other side. We see this skill very open in small children. Remember your imaginary friend… maybe it wasn’t so imaginary after all. 

The Listener: Jessica's Awakening

Jessica often heard names or phrases pop into her head that would turn out to be significant. Through developing her clairaudient abilities, she learned to distinguish between random thoughts and genuine intuitive messages. "It's like tuning a radio," she explains. "Once you know what frequency to listen to, the messages become clearer."

Clairaudience or clear hearing is the ability to receive auditory information through extrasensory perception. This could manifest as hearing voices, music, or sounds that others cannot detect. Some describe it as hearing messages within their mind rather than through physical ears.

Practical Steps to Awaken Your Psychic Gifts: My Personal Development Journey


When I first started developing my own abilities, I made every mistake in the book. I tried to force dramatic psychic experiences, got frustrated when things didn't happen instantly, and doubted every intuitive hit I received.

Let me share what actually worked, so you can avoid my mistakes:

1. The Dream Journal

Keep a dream journal, but with a twist. Instead of just recording your dreams, write down your first emotional response to them. One of my students discovered her most accurate predictions came not from the dream details, but from the feelings they left her with. This is the same with the little nudges you feel when you are awake. Take note of how they feel in the body. Where do you feel this in the body? Our body speaks a language thru our emotional response. 

2. The Energy Scan

Before checking your phone in the morning, take a moment to "scan" how you think your day will unfold. Make specific predictions. I once predicted I would meet someone wearing a red hat who would give me important information – and ended up meeting a new client wearing a red baseball cap who became instrumental in my business growth. 

You can do this at any point throughout the day and make these predictions not just for the day ahead but the month ahead or even the year. 

Check out more ways to practice your psychic skills in the 5 Day Course below.

Common Challenges and Solutions: Real Stories from My Practice

Dealing with Doubt

Maria, one of my clients, struggled with constant doubt. We developed the "Evidence Journal" technique – recording every intuitive hit, no matter how small, and its validation. After three months, she had pages of evidence that her intuition was real and reliable.

This is huge!!! Take note of all the times you were right and of all of your psychic visions and see how often you are sensing something good or off in your life. 

Managing Overwhelm

Alex, an emerging psychic, initially felt overwhelmed by others' emotions. We worked on developing what I call the "Energy Bubble" technique – a visualization practice that helps create healthy boundaries while maintaining sensitivity. 

Remember I mentioned earlier about this? It’s so important that you manage your energy. You can cleanse your energy using my energy cleansing spray inside the energy cleansing kit.

The Overthinking Trap

Jenny, a naturally analytical person, kept blocking her intuition with excessive analysis. We developed the "Three-Second Rule" – making a note of first impressions within three seconds, before the analytical mind kicks in.

This is for my type A women who think and think about every action. Our super power as women is the ability to listen to our gut instinct and move with that. When we start to analyze and antagonize over every action this is when we are steered in directions that will not support our growth.

Protection and Self-Care: Lessons Learned the Hard Way

I learned about the importance of protection and self-care after spending a week in bed, completely drained from doing too many readings without proper boundaries. This was over 15 years ago when I began my work as an energy worker. I would feel physically ill as if I had the flu. Luckily, I had a mentor that called me out for my lack of boundaries and helped me to create better protection. 

Now I teach my students these essential practices:

- Ground daily through connection with nature

- Clear your energy field regularly

- Set firm boundaries with both people and spirits

- Listen to your body's signals

Integration: Living as an Psychic in the Modern World

One of my favorite success stories is Rebecca, a corporate executive who learned to integrate her intuitive abilities into her business decisions without ever mentioning the word "psychic" in her office. She calls it "enhanced pattern recognition" in professional settings, but she knows it's really her psychic skills at work. 

You don’t have to tell people you are clairsentient or you can see people’s aura. You can call it vibes and move on or just tell others you have a unique ability to read people. Or you can be like me and tell people you are psychic. 

Conclusion: Your Journey Begins

Your journey might start just as simply – a gut feeling you choose to trust, a dream that proves meaningful, or a "coincidence" too precise to ignore.

The most important thing isn't having dramatic psychic experiences – it's learning to trust and develop the subtle intuitive abilities you already have. Start paying attention to those quiet nudges, those gut feelings, those seemingly random thoughts that turn out to be significant. Document your experiences, celebrate your successes, and learn from the times when things aren't so clear.

Your psychic abilities are like a muscle – the more you work with them, the stronger they become. But unlike physical exercise, this development is more about allowing than forcing, more about listening than doing, more about trusting than trying.

Begin your journey where you are, with the abilities you already have. Trust that as you open yourself to this development, your gifts will naturally unfold in their own perfect way and time.

That's the thing about psychic abilities – they're often far more subtle and natural than Hollywood would have us believe. Forget the crystal balls and dramatic predictions. Real intuitive abilities are like a quiet conversation with your deepest self, a gentle knowing that gets stronger the more you listen.

Or we can work together to develop your psychic abilities and you can begin to see big changes in your life. 

Below you will find my 5 Day course on Becoming Psychic.

Becoming Psychic in 5 minutes a Day

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5


Embracing the Summer Solstice (Litha)